Home :: Startup - List of useful sites to entrepreneurs

Startup - List of useful sites to entrepreneurs

When I started creating some web products and sites I always found myself with few options in terms of images, components and tools. Here, I present a list of very useful sites to help you in your work.

HTML Frameworks

Create a website from scratch is not easy, you need to create a default css, define some css classes, components and guidelines. For this reason, I strongly recommend that you to use an html framework, this can save you a lot of time and put some order in your code.

In my case for example I don’t have any great skill for chose color palettes, alignment, typography so an html framework helps me creating a minimally good presented site with low effort.


When you create a site it is dificult to find good free images with good resolution, here goes a list of some sites where you can get some photos.


Sometimes a video can be better to explain your ideas or products, here goes some services that you can use:

Free icons

Free timelapses videos


Themes and templates


Testing your site

